Monday, January 5, 2015

Brooks' "We Real Cool"

After my first reading of Brooks' "We Real Cool" I thought that the speaker was possibly an outside watcher of the pool players being sarcastic about how cool the pool players thought they were, and kind of mocking them. This could still be a possibility, but after reading it a few more time I believe that the speaker could also be one of the pool players realizing his life choices and where they will lead to "die soon" and sort of sadly accepting his fate. I thought this because of the line breaks after the we. Though there is no comma the line break could indicate a sort of pause or sigh between the words in the sentences; this gives an air of sadness to the poem when I read it. After the third line of "We real cool" a statement. Then to back this up the speaker comes up with things that he thought made him cool but as he is stating them he is realizing that these things are not that cool, and that instead they will lead to his death soon. I enjoyed the poem and the way that if I read it different ways and interpret the words are set up differently it will mean different things, and set a very different tone of the speaker. 

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